Thank you for taking the assessment.

Here are the Core Vulnerabilities you align with…

Your Results:

Thank you for taking the assessment. The six Core Vulnerabilities are a response to stress in which we overuse our strengths. Again, they are good in moderation, but self-sabotaging in excess. The three External Vulnerabilities that everyone has to navigate in today's modern world distract and impact all of us. They are psychological vulnerabilities that are often manipulated by tradition and social media and they can become major time stealers if you do not reclaim control of your thoughts. But there is hope. Overcoming your vulnerabilities requires two skills:

  1. The mindfulness to notice when you are at risk of choosing the urgent over the meaningful, and
  2. The ability to coach yourself towards the solution that is timeless – one you won’t later regret but instead will appreciate.

For more about Core & External Vulnerabilities purchase your copy of It’s About Time today

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