Episode #35
How To Guarantee You’ll Hit Your Goals in 2024

🎉Set your 2024 up for success by creating your Vision Board with Valorie: valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024 👀
Having a vision and a goal is great, but there’s one thing that will help you get to the next level faster and you probably have never heard of it.
It’s called a personal growth action plan.
Oftentimes, we think that the reason it’s taking a long time to reach our goals is because we’re not taking the right steps.
But it’s really much bigger than just knowing what steps to take. What is even more important is understanding what’s stopping you from taking those steps.
Do you know what the growth gap is that is keeping you from moving forward and keeping you stuck? (If you don’t, go check out Episode 34!)
This is often where our fears, habits, distractions, sometimes circumstances can block us from growing even when we know exactly what to do.
Discover the personal growth action plan framework and how to use it to reach your goals in 2024.
In This Episode:
– Why we can’t move forward even though we know what steps to take
– Identifying your growth gaps
– How to close your growth gaps
– Experimenting with new action to close your growth gaps
– How to leverage “positive peer pressure” to get better results
– Big changes for the Successful Women Think Differently Podcast
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