What works for coaches coaching their clients can also work for you. Here’s what I mean. When faced with a challenge, it can be easy to find a solution and yet not grasp the greater lesson that could apply to new situations that arise in the future. By taking just a few moments to reflect, the person being coached takes ownership of their newfound wisdom. When you take away the lesson, you don’t have to learn that lesson again and again.
Whatever is going on in your life is there to teach you and grow you. And that only happens when you pause, reflect and ponder the message that is being offered.
Right now, I invite you to identify one situation in your life that has you frustrated, disappointed, perplexed, or even excited, and ask this simple, but profound powerful question:
What am I going to take away from this situation so that I am somehow better for it, wiser for it, and able to move forward in the most powerful way possible?’
Whatever your answer, own it. Ask, where can I apply this wisdom elsewhere in my life? Where can I apply it in the future? You just got a little bit wiser