The first step toward success is all about asking yourself the right questions.
Valorie Burton

Your to-do list is a mile long, and you’re exhausted just thinking about what needs to be accomplished. Time is ticking, so why is it so hard to take the first step toward completion? Here’s a hint: it has nothing to do with laziness. 

As a “recovering procrastinator,” I know that it is our thoughts that keep us stuck. Here are five covert thoughts that keep you from getting stuff done. They come from my book Life Coaching for Successful Women

You like things just the way they are. 

You don’t move forward because — despite external pressures — you’re happy or content with how things are. Why fix it, if it isn’t broken? Consider exploring why you’re looking to accomplish the goal at all.  

The project is too complicated. 

A project can feel too overwhelming to start. Whether it be a home renovation or a team presentation, we need to pause, identify what needs to be done, and digest the project one task at a time. 

You don’t believe you deserve what you want.

Procrastination can be a direct projection of insecurity. You’re ‘looking for a new job’ but never apply. You’re due for a promotion, but keep pushing a conversation with your manager to next week. Inaction can speak volumes; what are you saying by doing nothing?  

You’re not bought into an idea. 

If you’re not sold on an idea, likely, you won’t invest resources to make it successful. The same ideology could be applied to projects and procrastination. Excited about a project? It’s game time! Wishing you never committed? Magically there are a million other things that need your attention first. Ask yourself: am I really invested in this? 

You’re afraid of what others will think. 

Fear will keep us stuck longer than anything other subconscious thought. You may be putting something off out of fear that others will think your goal is too ambitious or unconventional. Most commonly, your fear of delivering anything less than perfect is the ultimate deterrent. Name your fear and confront it.

Coach yourself:
What thought sabotages your progress and causes you to procrastinate? What could you say instead that would get you moving?

Have you considered becoming a coach yourself?

Coaching is powerful when you stop and ask yourself the right questions. Being honest with yourself can help with leadership, business management, and being a better parent or spouse. If you’re ready to get unstuck, visit for my coaching and training intensive.