Episode #9
How to Make Peace With Lost Time

Do you ever feel that time is slipping away and you have missed your opportunity to achieve your big dream?
If you feel like you’re in the wrong career, or that you should have saved and invested more by now, or started that business you’ve always wanted to do, it can be easy to beat yourself up and become riddled with fear when you hear the clock ticking.
So, what does it look like to make peace with lost time? Today Valorie Burton is sharing her tips on how to come to terms with that feeling that life is passing you by, as well as some insight into how you can also create a future for yourself that is something to get excited about.
For Valorie, she turned her story of divorce and no kids at 30 into a story of triumph. In this poignant episode, she encourages us to face forward and embrace our time now with three simple steps.
Feel the sting of lost time and then grow from that pain. What choices do you want to make with the time you still have now? It’s time to reimagine your vision. Please join us.
“A lot of times when we step out on faith with a goal, we have an idea of how long it’s going to take. And typically, often, it is so much longer. Have you been there?” ~ Valorie Burton
In This Episode:
- Appreciating that our deepest desires often take the longest time
- Valorie’s childhood dreams of being a successful career mom
- How do you plan for love, marriage, and kids?
- Dealing with the sting of lost time
- How to embrace the time you have NOW
- What three things can you start doing now?
And so much more!
Coaching Question:
Looking back ten years from now, what would you wish you had done?
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