I pray this Christmas will be blessed, joyful and peaceful for you. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, please remember the reason for the season! We are near the end of another year and I thought this would be a great time to pose three important questions for you. We become wiser when we ask ourselves the right questions and discover answers that focus us in the right direction. The right questions can offer you an opportunity to grow and consider better possibilities for your life. Over the next week, ponder these important three questions as you close out yet another year.


  1. What is the biggest lesson God has offered me over the last year?

When we take time to learn the lessons that our trials and triumphs teach us, God is able to mold our character and use us in greater ways. When you ignore the lessons of life, you often find yourself repeating the same mistakes and enduring the same challenges time and time again.


  1. What is my “divine assignment” at this stage of my life?

Our purpose can transform over a lifetime. In order to remain in synch with God’s timing and purposes, we must seek His “assignment” in the various seasons of our lives.


  1. This time next year, what would I like to see different in my life?

In other words, what’s my vision?  You need a vision for where you are going in the coming year. No matter how insignificant you think your life is, God wants you to be deliberate about setting goals and moving forward. God’s word tells us to “write the vision and make it plain” (Habakkuk 3:2). That means we should write it down and make it clear and specific. Don’t overwhelm yourself with a lot of “New Year’s resolutions.” Instead, choose something meaningful, even if it is a seemingly small change, and take deliberate steps forward.