Do you know exactly how much time it will actually take you to get everything done on your to-do list?

If you’re like most people, the answer is “no,” but there’s a simple solution to taming your to-do list when it feels overwhelming, especially if you’re a time optimist.

Time optimists tend to underestimate how long things will take which means their to-do list can get especially overloaded and overwhelming.

If that’s you, I want to teach you how to time your to-do list. To do that, you need to start with the right questions. Look at your to-do list and ask yourself this…

How much time will each thing on this list realistically take?

A lot of times we write entire projects on a to-do list, so take a moment break down your list into specific tasks. Next to each item on your list, I want you to be super realistic about how much time it takes to complete each one. 

Once you’ve listed times beside each item, you can add the times up and figure out exactly how much time you need to realistically get everything done.

Timing your to-do list is the key to taming your to-do list. 

Otherwise, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed, overloaded and stressed out.

If you find that your tasks are going to take more time than you actually have, that’s alright! This will actually help you prioritize the most important items. Start with those and leave the rest for tomorrow. Don’t spend all your time on the things that don’t need to be accomplished right away. 

If you’re looking to develop your coaching or leadership skills, I want to invite you to our upcoming Coach Training Intensive (CTI)! It’s a live, virtual event where you’ll learn the foundation you need to begin implementing coaching into your life immediately. 

Registration ends TOMORROW, Monday June 6, so don’t miss the chance to join us! 

Coach Yourself:

How much time will each task on your to-do list realistically take?
What needs to be done immediately?
What can wait until later?