If you’ve ever found yourself setting a goal, getting excited about the goal, and then losing steam, you are definitely not alone. 

One of the most common questions I get inside of my SWA membership is about how to create consistency, so I want to share a simple key to doing that. 

Whether you’re trying to eat healthier, finish a degree, or get a promotion at work, this principle will help you when you feel like your motivation is starting to wane…

Purpose fuels perseverance.

If you want to stay motivated, you’ve got to have a purpose that is so strong and connected to your values, that even when things get difficult, you keep going.

When you’ve got a powerful “why” behind your goals, you’ll push through when you mess up. You won’t get derailed by setbacks or challenges. The purpose behind your goal will pull you forward even in the challenging times. 

Think about the goal you want to be consistent with right now and ask yourself, “Why does this matter to me? What makes it worth persevering towards?”

If you can’t answer that question, you might need to tweak your goal until it matches a purpose that’s meaningful for you. If you can answer that question, keep it in front of you. It’s inevitable that things get hard but if you know why you’re doing it, you won’t stop. 

Coach Yourself

What’s the purpose behind your goals?
What makes them worth persevering through?
